International Desk Chile starts his first business mission.

The first "corporate mission" to Colombia and Peru was a success, 15 clients of SMB and Corporate segment in Banco Santander Chile, this mission is part of the initiatives that the Group has promoted this year to support those segments.

For a week our guests had not only the opportunity to meet companies in Bogota and Lima, but also of exploring investment and marketing opportunities in both countries. "For Banco Santander is a privilege to participate in this initiative through which, with ProChile, we support companies in their path to development and international openness. As we are interested in the Bank's business Chilean entrepreneurs fruition abroad, that small businesses and mediated Chile do well and contribute to the progress of the country, "said Jose Miguel Quiroz, Business Segment manager.

The companies that participated in this first trade mission welcomed the opportunity that gives them, it opens great opportunities. "It was a great opportunity because of the eight companies with whom we met, we contacted seven, and the eighth, contacted us directly with another company," says Rodrigo González Guzmán, Com Company. Abagreen Ltd. Meanwhile, Alex Ligargi, Enterprise Systems Engineering, says it has real possibilities of settling in Peru and generates business with several of the companies we met.